Holigral Retreat: Authentic Leadership

With Jorge A. Carrillo

May 3 - 4, 2024

Address: Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

Contact: Jorge Carrillo

  • $1,900.00 – 1900

Holigral “grows people up”, genuinely, into adults without fears, with no “inner child”; healthy, balanced human beings – without emotional dramas, without judgmental or busy minds, to a beingness where all is seen in due proportion. Not all of this is pleasant viewing or even explicable to others, but at least one has a true appreciation of the sickness and distortions inherent in society and an idea of how to make the changes required.

As terrible as it is to say, most adult human beings are composed of many child elements and with only a little smattering of truly adult in operation within a person’s range of behaviours. To show how endemic this is, even in the apparently highest of places of responsibility, just look at politicians talking about “economic growth”, when any rational consideration of the world’s resources and burgeoning population would surely be talking about “sustainability” and equitable balance. Holigral delivers its processes through “Authentic Leadership Programmes”, where you shed all the stuff no longer serving and become at peace with your true self. All flows from there. 

By navigating the personal collective, all the dots of the selves are joined up and migrate to fill the body. Rather than seeking ascension, descent into the body is the real answer: full embodiment. You can tell systems that are “off with the fairies” because their focus is on the stars rather than here – because some of them are dissociated into the stars. 
By using momentum processes with habits and patterns they are undone effortlessly, by having no more structures, one is now-ing, living the real “power of now”, not by meditating, not by focussing awareness, but just by being. 

Holigral helps to re-understand the world, at a fractal level, all the layers, all the cycles and the phases, to get the underlying games, stories, influences, historical causes and even projective magic that happens unconsciously.

About the Leader

Jorge A. Carrillo

I faciliatate deep transformational retreats delivering tools and techniques with the Holigral Method. I presently am the technical coordinator for the Holigral Partnership, founders of the work. I have been delivering retreats since 2010 in Mexico and also working at distance with people from different places and cultures. I offer other modalities of my work […]

Learn more about Jorge A. Carrillo